The Arts
First, let me say, we value Math and Science! Many times, people assume we are just artsy people and don't value these essential subjects. Believe it or not, the Arts make those subjects more valuable! Research shows that music fires off the same areas of the brain that we use when solving spatial-temporal reasoning problems - in other words, music and math are best friends!
When archaeologists look at previous civilizations, they study the arts of the people. What did they create? What did they write? This helps us have a deeper understanding of people groups and history.
We also believe that we are made in the image of God and that God is the ultimate creator. Therefore, we are creative beings!
That means, that even for students who don't show a leaning towards the arts, they can still benefit in these areas:
Critical thinking skills
The value of teamwork
Creative problem-solving skills
An appreciation of the beauty in God's world
While we are all creative, we are not all creative in the same ways. Exposure to different art forms helps us all to find that God designed part that we need to answer the unique call God has given to each one of us. (And let's face it, theater at home is just not the same!)
1st-6th STEAM Day
(Adkins on Wednesday only)
$1295 for the year, plus $150 book fee
- This will be a three-hour class that will include:
Science - For our 1st-2nd graders, we will use Apologia's Zoology: Flying Animals. Our 3rd-6th graders will be using Apologia's Earth Science at various levels.
Technology - This is access to a subscription site. and we make it available for your student to work through at home. In today's world, we want to make sure our students are tech savvy, but also safe!
Engineering - This class will be focused on robotics, with competition opportunities for the older grades.
Math - Your student will learn math concepts and ideas in class with games and engaging activities. Then they will do math practice at home with you. We will be using Horizons as our textbook, but don't let that scare you. We don't believe in busy work and we will only do the work required to master the concept!