Tiffany McKinley
Academic Director
Tiffany wants to celebrate the strengths of her children while giving them the academic foundation to succeed. She loves to have tea parties, to belly laugh every day, and to encourage everyone to give God the chance to rock their world.
After graduating summa cum laude with a BS degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, she worked on staff at a church and at the TXST Baptist Student Ministry. Later she moved to the Houston area to teach highschool English, eighth grade math, eighth grade algebra, and then Teen Leadership at an alternative high school. This mom of four has been homeschooling since 2013. The years were filled with great joys and achievement as well as tears and setbacks from challenging learning difficulties. However, the greatest things in life often prove to be the most difficult, so she encourages others to never give up. She believes in strong academics presented in the gentleness of the Charlotte Mason style. She wants to build children up in the Lord to reach their fullest potential and greatest joy by equipping them with skills in multiple disciplines include the arts and building subjects on a Christian worldview.
In her spare time she has written a book, teaches at church, and takes pictures of her favorite people. She also tries to spend as much time as possible with her Marine husband and go to all the fun places with her kids. Although usually an extrovert, she sometimes sneaks into her closet to eat dairy-free ice cream and chocolate alone, because, well, we all have those days.